Although it seemed a bit weird, I searched my name on Google to find out how I might be perceived. Thankfully there was nothing really bad. Just a report from the local press about an event I organised for the launch of our Youth Consultant Collection. This is stock aimed at young adults and teens, and was selected by a group of young volunteers. So far so good, but my quote sounds rather confused, not exactly what I was trying to convey. Which makes me think that I should be ready with a written comment next time, to ensure the correct message goes out.
I used the photo of the Library of Clesus as it reminds me that libraries are part of history and of civilisation. The picture symbolises the importance of curating and providing access to a wealth of material, not just the building itself.
Hi, I clicked on the link and read you posts due to the name 'My Library News'. Very clever, makes me wish I had thought more before naming my own! Enjoyed you posts. Best of luck with the blog.